Felicitas Kort Venezuelan Clinical Psychologist
Non-Governmental Organizations

Member of...

President of AVACC, Venezuelan Association for the Advancement of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

World Council of Psychotherapy

AVACC is member of the World Council for Psychotherapy. Vienna, Austria.

Clinical Psychology

Felícitas Kort is a Fellow and International  Member of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Clinical Psychology

Working Group on Media/Information, Communication Technologies and Mental Health.

Committed to promote access to both traditional media and digital technologies, to foster mental health, psychological resilience, and advocate the prevention and treatment of mental illness.

Convener: Felícitas Kort

Active member of the UNITED NATIONS Media and Mental Health Department.

Clinical Psychology


Latin American Federation of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies.

Founder No. 4 and Vice President of ALAMOC

Clinical Psychology